Sunday, February 21, 2010

More about my family

So as I told you previously about my family problems I now have more. This weekend I thought for sure my mom was going to leave my step dad. We found out that he refused a drug test because he was not clean. This was not the only job that he lost because he decided to use drugs. He lost one job because his pipe feel out of the car and his boss saw it. He seems to think that smoking pot is okay to do. Personally I think that it is only okay when you are in high school and do not have a family to support. I understand that most kids experiment with it. The only things that I do not understand is why he would be stupid enough to continue to do it when he knows that he could lose his job because of it. When we found this out it made us even anger. Before he lost his job he would usually ask my mom for about 150 bucks every week for “gas” and “food” we found out this weekend that he was using that for drugs. I just wish that someone could explain to me how someone could be so stupid to put his family through hell for a drug that is not even addictive. Along with finding out that he was not clean we also found that he would soon be going to jail because he is not paying his child support. I think that maybe him going to jail for six months will teach how stupid his decisions are.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

god i hate snow....

Since Friday night I have been stuck in the house with my parents. I have the type of family that argues all the time so this whole weekend that is all that I heard. This weekend my parents argued about my stepfather losing his job and how ever since then we have been having major financial difficulties. My father lost his job because he refused to take a drug test. This has made my entire family very angry. I think that it is bull crap that I still live at home with my parents and I am already stressing about money. As I was growing up I was never one of those families that had a lot of extra money but we had enough to keep us happy. Now that he lost his job we don’t even have enough to keep us happy. My mother and I cannot even trust him anymore. We don’t think that he is trying hard enough to find another job. It also makes me angry that he thinks that he should be able to lay in bed all day. He always tells me well you don’t do anything and all I can say back is that I did not screw over my family and I’m trying to get an education. I am so tired of always arguing and stressing. I know everyone says that when you turn eighteen you are an adult but I’m more of an adult than many other kids my age. I’m still not out on my own and the bills that my parents asked me to pay I do. He does not even have any income coming in. I get fifty dollars to spend on myself a month and the rest goes to bills that I have to pay. I don’t understand what else he expects me to do I just want to be the teenager that I was never able to be growing up.